Dive Shops in Tahiti
Tahiti, the gateway to French Polynesia, is home to a vibrant and diverse scuba diving community, with numerous dive shops catering to all levels of divers. Whether you’re a seasoned expert seeking thrilling drift dives or a beginner looking to explore coral reefs, Tahiti offers an array of dive centers equipped with knowledgeable instructors and top-notch gear.
From Papeete to the serene peninsula of Tahiti Iti, these dive shops provide access to renowned sites like White Valley, The Aquarium, and Marado, where divers can encounter everything from reef sharks to colorful tropical fish. With exceptional services and breathtaking underwater landscapes, Tahiti is a paradise for any diving enthusiast

Fluid Plongée Tahiti
Address: Marina Taina, Punaauia, Tahiti, French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 40 85 41 46 / (+689) 87 70 83 75
Email: info@fluidtahiti.com
Website: fluid-tahiti.com
Tahiti Plongée Passion
Address: Complexe Sportif OPT, Pirae, Tahiti, French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 87 30 87 40
Email: tahitiplongeepassion@gmail.com
Website: tahitiplongeepassion.com
Eleuthera Tahiti Diving Center
Address: Marina Taina, Punaauia, Tahiti, French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 40 42 49 29 / (+689) 87 77 65 68
Email: contact@eleutheratahiti.com
Website: eleutheratahiti.com
Address: InterContinental Tahiti Resort, Punaauia, Tahiti, French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 40 53 34 96
Email: dive@topdive.com
Website: topdive.com
ScubaTek Tahiti
Address: Yacht Club de Tahiti, Arue, Tahiti, French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 89 400 499
Email: scubatektahiti@gmail.com
Website: scubatektahiti.com
Mahana Dive
Address: Huahine, Leeward Islands, French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 87 73 07 17
Email: mahana.dive@gmail.com
Website: mahanadive.com
Dive Polynesia
Address: BP 105, 98763 Fakarava, French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 87 755 744
Email: contact@divepolynesia.com
Website: divepolynesia.com
Tahiti Iti Diving
Address: PK 58,100 C./mer Phaeton Bay – Taravao French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 87 71 80 77 / (+689) 40 42 25 33
Email: tahiti-iti-diving@mail.pf
Website: https://tahitiitidiving.com/
Fluid Tahiti
Address: Marina Taina – PK 8.5 Punaauia – Tahiti French Polynesia
Phone: Phone: (+689) 40 85 41 46 | (+689) 87 70 83 75
Email: info@fluidtahiti.com
Website: fluidtahiti.com
Hotel Kia Ora Resort & Spa
Address: B.P. 198 – 98775 Avatoru, Rangiroa, French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 40-93-11-11
Email: resa@hotelkiaora.pf
Website: hotelkiaora.com
Moorea Fun Dive
Address: Haapiti, Moorea
Phone: (+689) 87 78 92 29
Email: moorea-fundive.com/4t-r
Website: moorea-fundive.com
Bora Diving Center
Address: 98730 Bora Bora French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 87 77 67 46
Email: info@eleutheraboradiving.com
Website: boradiving.com/en
Address: BP 128 – 98775 Avatoru – Rangiroa – French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 40 960 260 | (+689) 87 303 259
Email: reception@the6passengers.pf
Website: the6passengers.com/en/
Dive Spirit Fakarava
Address: PK4 – Servitude Dive Spirit – Fakarava – Tuamotu – French Polynesia
Phone: Cell: (+689) 87 32 79 87 | (+689) 40 98 41 40
Email: info@divespirit.com
Website: divespiritfakarava.com/en/
Moorea Diving Center
Address: BP 3418 Temae | 98728 MOOREA | French Polynesia
Phone: (689) 87 745 999 | (689) 40 551 704 | (689) 40 565 087
Email: mooreadiving@gmail.com
Website: mooreabluediving.com/
Address: BP 1001 Bora Bora French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 87 79 22 55
Email: diveasyborabora@gmail.com
Website: diveasyborabora.com/en/
Ia Ora Diving Center
Address: MOOREA Polynésie Française
Phone: (+689) 40 56 35 78 | (+689) 87 320 322
Email: iaoradiving@mail.pf
Website: iaoradiving.com/
Scubapiti Moorea
Address: BP 1048 Papetoai 98729 Moorea French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 87 78 03 52 | (+689) 40 56 20 38 | (+689) 87 78 03 52
Email: scubapitimoorea@gmail.com
Website: scubapiti.com/en/
Dive Tahiti Blue
Phone: (+689) 40-93-11-11
Email: resa@hotelkiaora.pf
Facebook: facebook.com/divetahitiblue/
Website: hotelkiaora.com
Rangiroa Plongee
Address: BP 374, Avatoru, 98775 Rangiroa, French Polynesia
Phone: (+689) 87 77 65 86
Email: rangiroaplongee@mail.pf
Website: scubadivingrangiroa.com/
Bora Ocean Adventures
Address: Bora Bora
Phone: (+689) 87 76 60 61
Email: contact@boraoceanadventures.com
Website: boraoceanadventures.com/